The Kerala government has introduced a significant initiative allowing for online booking of Outpatient Department (OP) tickets and doctor’s appointment time slots in various government hospitals. Through the state government’s e-governance portal for health services, individuals can now conveniently book OP tickets online at government hospitals. Presently, over 300 government hospitals across the state offer this service through the online system, which also enables online printing of OP tickets and token slips.
Furthermore, patients’ health-related information, linked to a unique health ID, is accessible through this website. The portal provides additional details about hospitals, available services, treatment schedules, and lab tests. Notably, appointments at certain hospitals like Thiruvananthapuram Medical College require a referral.
To utilize eHealth services, individuals must first create a unique health ID. The following steps outline the process:
1. Visit the website ( portal) and click on the registration link.
2. Enter your Aadhaar number.
3. An OTP will be sent to the Aadhaar card-linked registered mobile number.
4. Enter this OTP to obtain a personal health identification number.
5. Upon initial login, a 16-digit personal health identification number and password will be sent to your mobile. These credentials enable appointment scheduling at hospitals on the designated date and time.
To make an online appointment, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the portal ( portal) using the identification number and password.
2. Click on “new appointment.”
3. If it’s a referral, input the necessary information and select the hospital and department.
4. Choose the appointment date, and tokens for the day will be generated.
5. Collect the token at your convenience.
6. Either print out the token or show the token details received via SMS at the hospital.